Phone Down, Eyes Up: Putting Down the Phone in a Phone-Dependent World


I’m probably the worst for being on my phone. In a get there, get this done kind of world, being on our phones has become almost a second nature.

While there are many benefits of social media and a “world at our fingertips” kind of life, I often wonder, what are we missing by becoming more and more addicted to the square devices we hold in our hands?

I’m just as guilty as anyone -- with a blog, multiple social media accounts, and a classroom to decorate and lessons to plan, I have become well-acquainted with Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. I firmly believe that they cultivate a positive community of influencers. However, I think that if we don’t set limits for ourselves when it comes to the technological world, these sites can take over our lives.

I often spend my evenings browsing Instagram and Pinterest, wanting to get a step ahead in the teacher world, and wanting to stay up-to-date on the latest with my friends and blogger community.

However, is the price I am paying by being on these sites too much at night, and sometimes during the day, too high?

What am I missing by choosing to spend my time looking at a screen rather than doing something else? What do I not see when I choose to hop onto my Instagram app to kill a few seconds in the drive-thru line? What am I missing by checking in “with the rest of the world” on Facebook while standing in line “with the world” at the local supermarket?

Am I missing opportunities to be the hands and feet of God when I choose to use my hands to scroll through the latest on social media?

I have been guilty of wanting to live a life of purpose, but not putting my phone down long enough for the Lord to send purpose-driven situations my way. And I think that even when he does, I am often “too busy” checking an email or Instagram message to notice.

Recently, I have been feeling really convicted of this. I want to be available for the Lord to use me, yet I am only opening up my schedule halfway.

I’m learning that leading a purpose-driven life cannot be possible if I am only willing to stand where I am called and not once raise my eyes from my phone screen. It isn’t enough to just “be” where he needs me. I have to be paying attention, too.

I wonder how much more I would see if I put my phone down and lifted my eyes up. I want to live a life of availability, but will people really see God in me if I’m too busy hiding behind my phone screen?

I’m working to develop a healthier balance between being present and being social. Most of the time when I am on social media, I am posting something related to my blog. However, I don’t want to make myself so occupied with my phone that I miss the point. After all, like my friend Kendall says, we want to “Get ‘em to Jesus.” So, if we are too busy getting busy on social media that we miss opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus, then we are missing the point.

If I want to live a more purpose-driven life, I have to be open to finding that purpose in the mundane. But, if I’m too busy looking down, I’ll miss the moments right before me.


I don’t want to get to Heaven and ask, “Lord, why didn’t you use me more?” for him to only say, “Child, I tried, but you could not see. You were too busy looking at your screen.”


Praying you would have the strength to put the phone down with me this weekend.


With love,


Brittany Jeanine